Saturday, May 4, 2024

Today our walk was dedicated in honor of:

Airforce Veteran A1C Andrew Horne Jr , Age 84 of Warren, MI.
Died Jun. 23, 2018

Antoinette Horne, Age 84 of Warren, MI.
Died Jan. 25, 2024

Andrew Served during the Korean War
He is buried in the Great Lakes National Cemetery. MI.

Andrew and Antoinette were married 59 years

We had a great 8.37 Mile walk today. We walked by Lake Holiday Hills and watched the geese swimming and then we headed out Miller Bypass and we made a stop in at the American Legion where GySgt Costanza Billups of the Young Marines of Cumberland County was retiring. After the retirement ceremony we headed up main street and made a stop at the War Memorial Park. We read several names on the wall and then headed back towards the house. Yes, it did rain most of the time so we got wet but wasn’t our first time and I am sure it won’t be our last. We had a great walk. I want to thank everyone who honked, waved, and saluted. We had 292 honks today. It was amazing. Thank you for helping us honor this hero and his wife today.

Airforce Veteran A1C Andrew Horne Jr and his wife Antoinette Horne will not be forgotten !

2 Replies to “Saturday, May 4, 2024”

  1. What an amazing honor you give to these veterans and their families! I am Andrew and Antoinette’s daughter n law and they would have just loved your efforts in honoring them. They were absolutely the best and missed every day. Side note, they’re wedding anniversary was May 9, 1959 so cool that you did this walk in the month they were married!

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