Saturday, May 2, 2020

My walk today was dedicated in honor of :

Army Veteran PVT Vasco M Marshall, Age 42 of Browntown
Died Nov. 23, 1964
Buried in the Browntown Cemetery

he was only in for 9 months and had honorable discharge for medical…

United States Army
June 3,1943—January 30th, 1944
He was a Private
Stationed in Camp Shelby ,Mississippi
He was 21 when he went into the Army and was a Farmer by trade … he was married but not sure if any kids at the time… In 1959 we moved to Florida and Dad was a dump truck driver until he got sick… Him and Mom had 8 kids of whom all are still living… Dad had a brain Tumor operation in 1960 and passed away in 1964 at the age of 42..

We had an amazing 11 miles walk today. It was quite amazing. I want to thank everyone that honked and waved in helping me honor this hero.

He will NOT be forgotten !

8 Replies to “Saturday, May 2, 2020”

  1. Tim thank you so much … I can’t express how much this means and will forever be grateful to you …. you are such a blessing to so many people and again thank you and may God richly bless you … I will tell many many people how nice you are and what you do to honor our vets… We need more like you….

    1. Thank you for the kind words Barbara. It was an honor to walk with him. I will never forget it.

  2. He was my grandfather. I am also a 26 year combat veteran. So thank you so much. I haven’t been to the cemetery in several years to visit him.

    1. Thank you Charles for your service. It was an honor to walk with your grandfather.

  3. Thank you for your dedication to our veterans. I never knew my Grandfather Vasco but he left a strong lineage of Marshalls. 💞

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