Monday, Nov. 14, 2022

Today our walk was dedicated in honor of:

Army SGT Kimberly Diane Agar, Age 25 of North Richland Hills, TX.
Died Oct. 3, 2011

SGT Agar served her Country in Iraq and with the US Army Europe Chorus and Band.

The roadside bomb blasted the safety hatch and blew away the windshields on the heavy transport that Army Pfc. Kimberly Agar rode across Iraq during the 2007 surge. As she regained her composure, insurgents rained rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire on the convoy for about 15 minutes. Agar climbed into the back seat and returned fire as the convoy pushed through the ambush.

Agar’s group didn’t suffer fatalities in that attack but she was diagnosed as having a concussion after she complained of headaches and insomnia, about a day after the bombing.

About a year later, Agar finished her 15-month deployment and went home to Dallas for a two-week break before returning to Fort Benning, Ga. Her mother, Margy Agar, though, noticed her daughter was different, saying she was distant, withdrawn and not “my Kimi anymore.”

In 2009, Kimberly Agar re-enlisted and was posted to Germany, a place she had always wanted to visit. There, the talented vocalist who swept pageants in her childhood and teen years eventually made the U.S. Army Europe Band and Chorus, singing with the elite, selective military musical troupe that performs at diplomatic and military events.

It was a job that the younger Kimberly would have envied — getting paid to travel the world as an entertainer. Agar told everyone it was her dream gig. But there were lingering effects of her injuries, fragile emotions and even a suicide attempt.

Early in October 2011, Agar killed herself in Germany after struggling with a minor traumatic brain injury.

Her military awards were: Purple Heart, (2)Army Commendation Medal, (2)Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal with Bronze Service Star, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, NCO Professional Dev.Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon with Numeral 2, Combat Action Badge, Basic Marksmanship Qual. Badge Expert with a Rifle, Overseas Service Bar,2, Unit Excellence Bar,2

We had a great 9.26 Mile walk today. We walked by the Army National Guard Armory and then walked threw the Obed River Park. It was a nice walk along the river. The wind blowing a few of the leaves. We then headed to the Centennial Park. After walking threw the park we headed up town to the War Memorial Park. Before heading home we stopped by the big painted butterfly on the building just north west of the Memorial Park. I want to thank everyone who honked, waved, and saluted in helping me honor this hero today. We had 223 honks. It was amazing. Thank You !

Army SGT Kimberly Diane Agar will not be forgotten !