Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024

Our walk was dedicated in honor of :

Army CPL Dennis Wayne Vaughn, Age 19, of Wartburg, TN.
KIA Sep. 27, 1968

CPL Vaughn is honored on panel 42w, line 33 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall

CPL Vaughn is buried at Morgan Memorial Gardens in Wartburg, TN.

C Company , 1st Battalion , 20 Infantry Regiment , 11th Infantry Brigade , 23rd Infantry Division (Americal)
died instantly in mine explosion
Purple Heart Medal

He is buried in the Morgan Memorial Gardens

It was an honor to walk 3.17 Miles with Army CPL Dennis Wayne Vaughn today. We drove to Wartburg Tennessee and stopped in at the WECO radio station and talked to them about what we were doing. We then headed out on our walk and made a stop at the Veterans Memorial by the court house. We read CPL Vaughn’s name on the memorial wall. We then headed out Knoxville Highway and walked out past the school and then headed back. We then made a stop by the American Legion and then back to the truck. I want to thank the radio station for broadcasting about our walk and I want to thank my friend Robert for walking with us. I also want to thank everyone who honked, waved, and saluted in helping us honor this hero today. We had 25 honks. Thank you.

Army CPL Dennis Wayne Vaughn will not be forgotten !

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