Monday, Sep. 23, 2024

Today my walk was dedicated in honor of :

Army SSG Christopher Swanson, Age 25 of Rose Haven, MD.
KIA Jul. 22, 2006 during Operation Iraqi Freedom

SSG Swanson was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored Division, Baumholder, Germany

SSG Swanson is buried in the Arlington National Cemetery.

He was the captain of the soccer team at Southern High School, Anne Arundel County, MD, and graduated in 1999. As a teenager, he traveled on mission trips with members of First Baptist Church in Upper Marlboro, MD, and in West Virginia, he helped build part of a church. He was serving his third tour in Iraq and had also been deployed in prior operations to Kosovo. Among his military awards and decorations were the Bronze Star Medal; Purple Heart (2); Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Kosovo Campaign; Army Good Conduct; Iraq Campaign Medal; Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; NATO Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; and Presidential Unit Citation. He died of injuries sustained when his patrol encountered enemy forces small-arms fire in Ramadi, Iraq.

He was survived by his parents; his brother; his four grandparents; and many aunts and uncles.

It was an honor to walk 9.06 Miles with Army SSG Christopher Swanson today. We started out by walking in The Gardens and then we watched the sunrise while walking Northside Drive. What a beautiful sight. I am very thankful to live up here on the plateau and get to see such beautiful sights. We then headed south on 70 North and we made a stop at the Obed River Park. The walk along the river this beautiful morning was much needed. Getting to listen to the water and the birds singing as their morning just started. After leaving the park we made a stop at the 9/11 Memorial. Am so thankful that we have this memorial to remind us of what happened that September day. We shall never forget. As we walked towards 127 I was thinking how many peoples lives changed that day. How many young men stepped up and decided to join the military that day. It has changed so many lives still today. Our next stop was the Veterans Memorial Park down town. We first prayed for all the Veterans and their families. We then read out loud several of our fallen brothers names on the Memorial Wall. We then walked main street to Lantana and then took West Ave back towards Sparta Drive. We made one more stop before heading home. We stopped to visit some of our Fallen Brothers in the Frost Cemetery. I want to thank everyone who honked, waved, and saluted in helping us honor this hero. We had 298 honks today. It was amazing. The support this community has shown me is so amazing and today it just really touched my heart. I thank you so much.

Army SSG Christopher Swanson will not be forgotten !

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